
Past Event

Insights Into Gender, Land, and Corruption in Africa

March 27, 2017
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118th St., New York, NY 10027 Room 1302
Speakers: Annette Jaitner, People Engagement Coordinator, Transparency International, and Michael Okai, National Project Coordinator, Ghana Integrity Initiative, Transparency International Annette joined Transparency International (TI) in September 2009 to coordinate the multi-country project Poverty and Corruption in Africa. Before joining TI, she worked with various civil society and UN organisations in Africa for over ten years, mainly on participatory approaches to socio-economic development and civil society capacity building. Annette holds degrees in Agricultural Economics, Humanitarian Assistance, and Environmental Management from the Universities of Giessen and Bochum in Germany, and the University of London, Wye College. Mr. Michael Henchard Okai holds a Master of Arts degree in Environmental Management and Policy from the University of Cape Coast and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Ghana. Mr. Okai also has a Diploma in Development Leadership obtained from the Coady International Institute in Canada and a Certificate in Socioeconomic Challenges of Nature Conservation from the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel. Before joining GII, Mr. Okai worked as a District Customer Services Officer with the Forestry Commission in Ghana where he championed Community Based Natural Resource Management particularly equity in benefit sharing and livelihood opportunities for forest fringe communities.